
Illuminated Voyage 光ある航海

乗客が夜景の一部になれる航海。クルーズとイルミネーション作品を一体化させた体験型作品。 もし私たちがボートのような乗物と一体の(人間たち+マシン)になって横浜港の海へ乗り出したら、どんな出来事が起こるでしょうか?短い航海の間に私たちの身体信号とボートが波を切るスピードが一体となり、まるで港に住む大きな生物のように光りはじめます This is a voyage which you become a part of night scape through sensors and lights. Imagine you become one with a speedboat and dive into the surface of Yokohama port.. The boat start to illuminate itself as if it is a big creature from deep sea.

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Dragon gate by Ryuichi Sakamoto A landing page to listen to Ryuichi Sakamoto’s music piece dedicated for Digital Garage Inc and its 25 anniversary. I programmed and did art direction for the landing page. My last visible piece of work during my Digital Garage days.  When you visit Shibuya, visit PARCO and Dragon gate…

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Light of a bouquet for the little shop of flowers.

As a X’mas decoration for a retail store, I co-designed interactive light-flower object, again. This year, when a visitor puts up a bouquet, the lights gradually change its color to the color of the flowers of the bouquet. ユナイテッドアローズの店舗のクリスマスの飾り付けとしてthe little shop of flowersの依頼で制作した花Xインタラクティブ照明の第二弾。近づいて花束を照明に掲げると、照明がゆっくりと花束の色に変わってゆきます。

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Smile light for the little shop of flowers

As a X’mas decoration for a retail store, I co-designed interactive light-flower object. When you walk into this and smile at a tablet, the lights gradually change its color to red. ユナイテッドアローズの店舗のクリスマスの飾り付けとしてthe little shop of flowersの依頼で制作した花Xインタラクティブ照明。近づいてタブレットに向かって微笑みかけると、照明がゆっくりと赤に変わってゆきます。

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Shapes for YumeCloud,Inc

Designed multiple shapes for small light with mesh network capability for Yume Cloud, Inc. The goal of design is to seek use cases out from interaction with visitors of the show booth at SXSW. Yume Cloud社のメッシュネットワーク機能をもった小さな照明のための形のデザイン。そのゴールは、SXSWのブースの訪問者との対話の中でこの照明の使い道をさぐりだすことでした。

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Sometimes we encounter emotional moments like drama in real life. Personal moment such as commemoration is such a case. Restaurant with the Limelight is the place where lighting effects are added onto these moments. The system detects when the moments occur and show it up with lighting effects so that…

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